
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An unsuspected surprise

While lying in bed last night around, oh I don't know, one or so, I suddenly had an aha moment.  As I'm sure most of you are aware, times have been a little difficult for our families lately.  I'm not going to go into detail because, to be honest, I just don't really feel like getting it fresh on my mind. But I can assure you I have spent many sleepless nights tossing and turning. 

Anywhoo, in the midst of all of those worries, I was thinking about how Jeremy's and my relationship has grown so much stronger.  It's really amazing how things work.  You would think that in times of turmoil all the stress and pain would bear down on a couple, or a family at that matter.  However, it is right the opposite.  We talk more, argue less.  Honestly, we wouldn't even have to talk to know what the other is thinking or feeling.  It is a bond like no other.  

I have used up several hours of those  sleepless nights wondering "why us?" I mean, not that I feel we should be pardoned from pain, but I guess it's more or less like the saying "when it rains, it pours."  I just would have never imagined finding a silver lining to all of this mess!  And, although I definately would not, and do not, enjoy all that is going on, I am certainly very pleased to find that maybe there IS some good to come out of all of this. 

So, if you and your family have been signed up for the "Let's see just how much one can take" course, maybe the thought of something good, just one tiny idea, can help you through the day.  I know it's not enough to completely erase all the worries and fears, but it does soften the blow a bit!    


Lindsey B said...

I am searching for our silver lining. I am just about to my breaking point of having sick child.

I just keep telling myself this too shall pass and that we could have it a lot worse. Kate does not have a terminal illness - we will be ok!

~Brit said...

Oh Linds!

I truly hope and pray that you guys figure everything out. I can't even begin to imagine going through that day in and day out. You absolutely have the same thoughts on it as I would. Things could be a lot worse. But, it still doesn't mean that you don't wish things were better.

I finally began to feel comfort when I just gave up and decided "it is what it is." Things aren't in my hands and there's nothing I can do. I just have to suck it up and deal with it. Maybe you will find comfort in that too. (I know it isn't too warm and fuzzy. But hey, it's all I've got!)