
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Kiss

My little baby had her "first kiss" yesterday.  haha!  Let's not get all in a tissy....It was nothing crazy and there was no motive behind it, but it was super cute :)

We were at a birthday playdate and I had walked over to get Madelyn in order to leave.  Her little friend, Brady (the one who did this), was playing with her so I told her to tell him bye.  He asked for a hug so she hugged him and was about to walk away when he asked for a KISS!  She turned around and they kissed each other on the lips like it was no big deal.  I, on the other hand, was just gushing inside!  It wasn't until later that afternoon that I realized this was technically her first kiss but at the time I was just thinking how incredibly adorable they were.  I mean, quite obviously, they just looked at it as normal (like kissing your mommy or daddy).  But really, I think it's precious! 

I was telling Jeremy and my parents about it and so they asked her if she kissed a boy.  She answered yes and was very promt in telling them who it was.  So.....at two and a half years old, my baby has had her first kiss.  Recorded in the baby book and everything.  I can't wait to share these precious stories with her when she's older and has her real first kiss :)

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