To make things better, we decided to go the the parade that was being held here this weekend. Now, not only did she have her Aunt Sessa, but her Uncle Brian joined us for this one which made it double the fun! We went last year as well, but it was so much more fun this time being that Madelyn is a little older. We wheeled her through the crowd in her wagon for as long as she could stand it. However, being little miss independant, she much preferred walking around and greeting the many friendly faces. She took a picture with a shark mascot that she thought was pretty cool, pet a baby gator and snake, got cotton candy, and her Sessa bought her a really cute blow up monkey. She had a blast! Honestly, I was expecting a melt down at any minute since she bypassed her daily nap, but it never happened. She was all smiles--although she wasn't up for smiling for the camera much :(
Down here we're used to wonderful weather every day. Unfortunately, it's been pretty crummy around here lately. Cold (for us) and icky. But woohoo!!! Beautiful sun and warmer weather :) There's nothing like a little vitamin D. So who could complain?!
Really, a great weekend. We ended the parade with a sweet baby girl covered with beads. Grabbed some Mexican food, and headed home. Since it was such a special occasion with Sessa's visit, we let Madelyn stay up much later than she is used to and she literally danced the night away. She had such a great night sing
ing and dancing with all of us. I also got some great video footage of my brother singing to Madelyn which was REALLY cute. Here are just a few pics....
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