
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's introduce my sweet angel!

This is my sweet baby girl! She truly is my life. We will celebrate her second birthday in a few months and it's hard to believe. I'm sure I'll be seeking out ideas very shortly. I'm excited for her, for us, but at the same time I just want to pull her to me and never let her go.
Since this is MY blog, I guess I'm allowed to brag a little. She is incredibly smart and has the best personality anyone could ever ask for. Honestly, she is such a happy little girl except for when she has a new tooth coming in or she hasn't gotten her sleep. I have to say, she gets the crankiness from yours truly. I think I've seen her daddy in a bad mood less than a handful of times. Madelyn definitely gets her happy go lucky mood from Daddy.
I am so thankful to be able to spend my days with her. Although things may change very soon, I am currently a stay at home mom. I'd like to think that this is the reason she is so perceptive and smart and polite. She just about always says "Thank You" and is beginning to say "please" and "excuse me" a lot as well. Our newest words we are working on is Ma'am and Sir. I really do light up with pride on the inside when an unfamiliar face does something and she replies with a thank you.
We are working on colors right now and I have to say she's doing great! Ask her to show you something blue, yellow, red, or green and she is likely to have the correct answer. I love to hear her say the colors as well! Her colors are : boo, geen, bed, and lellel. She's actually very good at saying the others correctly.
I could honestly go on and on for days about the things she says and does. I'm sure that's how most parents are about their children. So, if you're a parent, then you understand the pride and love I'm talking about. If not, I apologize because I'm sure I sound like that parent that thinks her child can do no wrong (trust me, she can). I look forward to sharing her triumphs and even our not so great moments with you in the very near future :)

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