The other night we were just hanging out around the house and Madelyn was playing with her many toys. I was playing around on the computer when I saw Madelyn jump and say "ta da!" She says this when she thinks what she has done is praise worthy and this time was like no other. I looked down to see what she had done that was so great and saw this.... Look closely and you'll notice she has gotten all of her wooden equalateral triangles and lined them up neatly. Now, I mention the equalateral part because there are other triangles with this set as well. I mean, really, this child never ceases to amaze me. She's done this once before, but I didn't get pictures and honestly I didn't think she'd do it again for a while. So of course, Jeremy and I made a HUGE deal out of this and we jumped and screamed and ooohhhed and ahhhed for a few minutes. We told her how proud we were of our smart girl and went on and on about having to tell everyone what she had done. So after the excitement began to wind down, she went back to playing and I began t

o get her night night stuff ready. Then, I hear her say "ta da" again. I figured it was the same thing since she had gotten such a big response out of us before but I still ran in to see what she had done. The second picture is what I found next! She continued with her sorting and found all of her cylinders and stood them up into the shape of a triangle. I SWEAR I've never shown her how to do this. I love to see her learning new things and figuring things out on her own. We went through the same process as before and made just as big a deal out of this as we did the triangles. Finally, I gave in and figured she needed a special treat for this (not to mention

I was a little hungry too). We let her pick out what she wanted and she decided on Nutella. Okay, I realize that late at night is not the time to bring out the Nutella or anything else that may not be so healthy, but special occasions are meant for special treats right?!? So I end this post with a VERY happy little girl posing for mommy!
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