What a change from last weekend. As a reminder, last weekend was SO great. This weekend...not so much :( This week, I should say. My parents are moving across the bay so as you can guess, busy busy busy. We've been painting ALL week, followed by cleaning and finally the big move. Summary of the move: Supposed to have a truck by 9:00 am- it still wasn't at the pick up place by 11:00 so we went with another company. Go to pick up new truck...power is down. So, after a fast food lunch, we return to pick up the truck. Lots of packing left to do and, because we're all so tired from the rest of the week, it's anyone's guess who will hurt whom first. Yeah, not to mention, my brother was out of town, so my poor dad and Jeremy were the only two handling the big stuff. NOT FUN.
Now for the real downer for the week. We got a call on Thursday that Jeremy's great grandmother passed away. She hasn't been doing well for the past few months, so we have been prepared, but this is still not something anyone looks forward to. Being that we live pretty far away, and finances are not so great, we won't be attending the services and that's not a proud moment either.
Mamaw truly was a wonderful lady. She always treated me as family even before Jeremy and I were married. She always acknowledged every single person's presence and, looking back, I don't think I EVER saw her without a smile. She really enjoyed showing how much she loved us all. While visiting her in the hospital at Thanksgiving, we were telling her about a cousin's baby shower. She got so upset that she didn't know about it. When some family members explained that they didn't think she'd be able to make it...being that she was in the hospital... she was fighting mad. She said that at least she could have known to send a gift. I mean, what a thoughtful and selfless person. To worry about getting someone a gift over her own health. I'm sure everyone will have such pleasant memories of her to share on Monday.
Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of a better week. I'm sad to say, I don't have any pictures for today. I do know I have some pics of Madelyn with Mamaw and as soon as they are found, I will come back and post them to this.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Going Back
Right now I'm working on a playlist to add to my blog (I'm learning as I go) and I've come across a song that always makes me take a step back. Jason Aldean's Laugh Until We Cry. It's not one I'd consider a favorite, in fact, I never remember it until I hear it playing somewhere. Usually, before I know it, I am in tears. It'll be on my playlist as soon as I figure out how to apply it to my blog, so maybe you'll get something out of it as well.
Sometimes I just get so caught up in life and I don't really take the time to appreciate all the wonderful moments that I've gotten to be a part of. This song literally mentions so many of those times. So, I'm going to reflect on some of those now.
Yes, spring break-- senior year. Panama City acted as the spring break capitol and anyone who was anyone HAD to go. My two best friends, one of which is still very dear to me, and I had a blast that year. (Pic of best friend mentioned and Madelyn as baby) Let me first
mention that we did not go by ourselves. My mother and one of my friend's moms went as well. NO, we were not embarassed. We just didn't care to put ourselves in any situation that we couldn't get out of. However, they did their thing, and we did ours. We made memories that will never be forgotten. How easy things were then and we didn't even know it. We danced around like we owned the world.
Another moment-- Christmas Eve freshman year in high school. This one is so bittersweet and it is usually at this point in the song that I begin to cry. The way Jason Aldean describes Christmas with his family and listening to his grandfather is EXACTLY how our family used to be. That was the last Christmas we had with him and I wish all the time I hadn't rushed it to run off with my friends and boyfriend. Every year he would sit in the same chair and, after opening presents, he'd want to watch us all open them again --we recorded our Christmases. I think we had more fun watching him watch himself than actually opening presents. I can't even begin to describe him. He was just one of those people you had to know. He really was my world. I spent so many days and nights with him while I was growing up. In my eyes, he could do no wrong. But this Christmas, I was a little irked with him and my grandmother because of a family issue that I won't even go into. I shouldn't have let that get in the way of making those memories. I left and went to my friend's house with a simple "bye" muttered to him. A few hours later I got one of the worst phone calls I can recall. I watched the adults all agree to not hold him back, to let him go--it's what he wanted. I watched him take his last breath in a tiny hospital room. I watched him squeeze my uncle's hand. The last person in the world I would have wanted to see in that hospital room, got to be with my grandfather and to feel his last moment of life. I watched my grandfather go with God on Christmas Eve. My last night with him, and it was all wrong.
Well, that was a tear jerker. Let me end my flashback into time with something more recent and much more easy to read. We'd just gotten back from vacation with my parents at Disney. There we were, sitting in the bathroom, staring at that one word sure to change our lives. PREGNANT!! We were happy, scared, nervous, and amazed at God's work. The next day we sent flowers to our mothers with a cute little note from, who we then called, "baby k". We've made so many memories in these almost two years and I wish I could keep a video camera on her all day every day. I don't have to go into detail about Madelyn. I'm sure as you can already see, I talk about her without even realizing it sometimes. She goes hand in hand with my everyday.
It's kinda crazy how one song can make you stop in your tracks and forget everything around you. Things, moments, and memories come rushing back into your mind as vividly as they were the day they occurred. That's such a gift. I guess maybe songs could be considered life's tape recorders/video cameras. You just hit play and relive a special moment or two in your life.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fun,Sun,and Beads!!!
To make things better, we decided to go the the parade that was being held here this weekend. Now, not only did she have her Aunt Sessa, but her Uncle Brian joined us for this one which made it double the fun! We went last year as well, but it was so much more fun this time being that Madelyn is a little older. We wheeled her through the crowd in her wagon for as long as she could stand it. However, being little miss independant, she much preferred walking around and greeting the many friendly faces. She took a picture with a shark mascot that she thought was pretty cool, pet a baby gator and snake, got cotton candy, and her Sessa bought her a really cute blow up monkey. She had a blast! Honestly, I was expecting a melt down at any minute since she bypassed her daily nap, but it never happened. She was all smiles--although she wasn't up for smiling for the camera much :(
Down here we're used to wonderful weather every day. Unfortunately, it's been pretty crummy around here lately. Cold (for us) and icky. But woohoo!!! Beautiful sun and warmer weather :) There's nothing like a little vitamin D. So who could complain?!
Really, a great weekend. We ended the parade with a sweet baby girl covered with beads. Grabbed some Mexican food, and headed home. Since it was such a special occasion with Sessa's visit, we let Madelyn stay up much later than she is used to and she literally danced the night away. She had such a great night sing
ing and dancing with all of us. I also got some great video footage of my brother singing to Madelyn which was REALLY cute. Here are just a few pics....
Friday, January 22, 2010
Great Night--Smart girl :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The glue that holds us together
So, as I mentioned briefly in my previous post, I'm a bit cranky sometimes. What can I say. I prefer when things go my way. And in life, as most of you know, this may or may not happen. So, when things DON'T go my way, I have him ^.
Ha, he'd absolutely KILL me if he saw this and if you notice it's been changed, then he's seen it :)
Jeremy's my husband of three years. He's serious when he needs to be, and goofy when the time calls for it. Aside from my own dad, he has to be one of the best husband's around. He works all day, comes home to what may be a clean or an absolute trashed house (some days are just crazy), gives 100% to Madelyn and even cooks every once in a while. When it comes to cooking or washing the dishes (no dishwasher CRAZY), he just does it. I may have had to ask once or twice but he definitely chips in around the house if I need him to. Now let's be honest. Of course there are times when I could just scream at him for whatever it may be, but all in all, he really is an all around great guy.
Let's introduce my sweet angel!
This is my sweet baby girl! She truly is my life. We will celebrate her second birthday in a few months and it's hard to believe. I'm sure I'll be seeking out ideas very shortly. I'm excited for her, for us, but at the same time I just want to pull her to me and never let her go.
Since this is MY blog, I guess I'm allowed to brag a little. She is incredibly smart and has the best personality anyone could ever ask for. Honestly, she is such a happy little girl except for when she has a new tooth coming in or she hasn't gotten her sleep. I have to say, she gets the crankiness from yours truly. I think I've seen her daddy in a bad mood less than a handful of times. Madelyn definitely gets her happy go lucky mood from Daddy.
I am so thankful to be able to spend my days with her. Although things may change very soon, I am currently a stay at home mom. I'd like to think that this is the reason she is so perceptive and smart and polite. She just about always says "Thank You" and is beginning to say "please" and "excuse me" a lot as well. Our newest words we are working on is Ma'am and Sir. I really do light up with pride on the inside when an unfamiliar face does something and she replies with a thank you.
We are working on colors right now and I have to say she's doing great! Ask her to show you something blue, yellow, red, or green and she is likely to have the correct answer. I love to hear her say the colors as well! Her colors are : boo, geen, bed, and lellel. She's actually very good at saying the others correctly.
I could honestly go on and on for days about the things she says and does. I'm sure that's how most parents are about their children. So, if you're a parent, then you understand the pride and love I'm talking about. If not, I apologize because I'm sure I sound like that parent that thinks her child can do no wrong (trust me, she can). I look forward to sharing her triumphs and even our not so great moments with you in the very near future :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Trying something new
So, I've decided to give blogging a try. You'll have to be patient with me as I'm learning. Hopefully I'll figure out how to set my page up to be as pretty as some of the others I've seen out there. Anyway, here's to the start of something new ( Cliche, I know).
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