
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Melt my heart

Is there anything in the world that could stop you in any given moment and turn your heart into a soft bowl of jello?  Wanna know what mine is?   Well, of course you do! 

A while back, Madelyn came to me and said "Mommy, my bedy (belly) hurts."  With big sad puppy dog eyes that were practically BEGGING me to stop whatever it was I was doing and hold her.  I don't really even think her belly was hurting-- if I remember correctly--she just had to go potty.  Anyway, in that very moment, I did stop whatever it was that I was doing and my voice automatically turned into Nurse Mommy.  You know, that "oh my poor pitiful baby, what do you need to make you feel better" voice.  She pulled her shirt up to show me her belly and I did what any other mommy would have done.  I bent down and rubbed it, said "oh my poor baby," and kissed her tummy.  I swear you would have though I gave her a huge overflowing bowl of ice cream!  She LOVED that I played along with her accusation and gave her that extra special attention. 

Well, obviously this has become our "thing."  Every so often she will come up to me, usually in the worst possible times (while I'm mopping, cooking, etc), and start in with those big sad puppy dog eyes.  Next thing you know, I am on my knees kissing whatever part of her body she says hurts and hugging her real tight.

 The first few times she said it around Jeremy, he got a little worried that something was actually wrong.  I completely forgot to let him in on our little secret... The good news is, I have that wonderful Mommy's intuition.  This means, I actually KNOW when something really is wrong with her and when she's just playing around!

I'm not really sure what it is about this certain thing that she does.  I just know that every single time Madelyn comes to me with this, I could be in the worst mood ever and it wouldn't matter, I melt. 

Love, LOVE, LOVE, her. 

**Pictures are from this past weekend.  Jeremy's company picnic**

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