
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Four days

I haven't much to say today.  Just counting down the days!  FOUR days left and here are my last days of training that my "coach" aka Dad has decided: I will run today and tomorrow only.  Thursday and Friday are rest days but should be packed with plenty of carbs.  His idea of carbs: pasta, Pasta, PASTA! Saturday morning will be a very early one due to parking so make sure to get in a protien bar and lots of water.  He even mentioned the possibility of having to go to the restroom after my "breakfast".  haha :) I do love my overcompetitive dad! 

Ok, so just a little bit more.... You all know I started this with a friend of mine via Couch to 5k.  After we finished the program it was so miserably hot that we kinda parted ways and ran at different times.  (She's a morning person...I AM NOT.)  Because of this, Jeremy was thrilled to step in!  He had practically been guilt tripping me for running without him the entire time.  We did good for a while and then he had to travel quite a bit for his job.  So, for literally the entire month of August, I was abandoned.  No friend- she was traveling a lot too- and no husband.  Well I sure as heck was not running at night by myself!  In comes Super Dad!

Dad's been running for a while now and he really enjoys it.  I don't really know if he is doing it for his health, or just to get some time to himself?!  Either way, it works, right?!  So, I knew I could rely on him to help me keep up my progress.  (Remember a while back I mentioned I absolutely MUST have someone there to push me?)  I kinda used Jeremy being gone as my excuse to get him to run with me and it worked like a charm!  

I have really enjoyed the time I've had with my dad!  It's always fun to bond over something you have in common with somone.  It's even better when it's someone you already love and respect so much.  Anyway, I'm so very pleased that poor Dad got stuck running with me and that he's there to see me to the finish line!! 



Lindsey B said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes!

I start C25K next week - and I am slightly terrified!

~Brit said...

You'll do great! Just remember, a minute of running sounds silly but it's not as easy as it sounds!