
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy week six!

Okay, so there's lots to update you guys on from this weekend. BUT, in order to not jumble everything up into one, I'll make several posts (quite possibly over the next few days).  Of course, since I'm still so very proud of my progress, I'm starting with this.

We have two more days to this week and then we'll be on our seventh week of our running schedule.  There are only nine weeks and we are up to two miles!!  I only know this because I had to run on the treadmill while out of town this past weekend so I was able to see the distance.  I can't believe I ran all that way without killing over! 

So, we began last week with running alternated with walking as usual.  The highest was running 8 minutes.  Then, it skipped up to 20 minutes of running without stopping on the final day. HOLY SMOKES was I terrified!!!  Also, I had to run without my partner (although Jeremy stepped in until the last run).  Can you believe the 20 minute run was actually equal in challenge as the run/walk routines??  I am overwhelmed with excitement about this! 

This week, we have gone back to the alternations and finish the week with a 25 minute run.  I'll be sure to update--as always!  NEXT week is going to be the kicker.... we begin running these 25/30 minute runs all three days.  We'll see.....

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