
Monday, March 15, 2010

D Dora has moved in.

Madelyn is in LOVE.  All she wants to do is watch "D Dora," or have her stickers, or band aids or whatever it is that has Dora on it.  Point in case:

Yesterday after church, we went out to lunch and then took Madelyn to play at the park.  ** Please keep in mind she hasn't had a nap all day**  Madelyn had a princess band aid on a "boo boo" that she had gotten from the park on Saturday.  She wanted the band aid off, so Jeremy took it off.  She didn't realize that it wasn't a sticker and wanted it to stick back to her skin.  BIG PROBLEM. We had the worst break down I've experienced.  In the car, going to the mall, Madelyn was freaking out over her "sticker" not sticking to her anymore.  After trying EVERYTHING imaginable to cheer her up (and get her to stop whailing  in order to protect Mommy's sanity),  I look over to my left and see my saving grace in the disguise of CVS Pharmacy.  I asked Madelyn if she wanted me to get her some Dora band aids instead, and can you believe that stopped her from crying.  I had Jeremy whip into the nearest parking spot, and very sheepishly told him I'd go in myself to keep him from having to.... I think I took a good five to ten minutes in there "looking" for Dora band aids. I found the band aids in the first two minutes of entering, but I took my time looking for stickers instead .  Just in case you didn't know, pharmacy band aids were almost $4.00 No way was I spending that much money on Hello Kitty- nope no Dora- when I knew I could go to Wal Mart later that night and spend around $2.00 and get what I wanted.  Anyway, found the Dora stickers/activity pad which was still outrageous but headed to the checkout.  A few minutes later, we had a very happy, sticker filled little girl.  We even managed to make it through our weekly Wal Mart trip with little to no chaos.  I did, however, have to peel about 12 Dora stickers off the cart handle.  Those outrageously priced Dora stickers were well worth it in my mind. 

Anyway, Dora is on, again, and it made me think of this obsession of Madelyn's.  You know, I really don't care much for Dora myself.  But if all it takes is to grab something with that little girl's face on it for Madelyn to return to the angel I know she is, I'll probably do it any day.  Does that mean she's spoiled? Maybe. Does it mean I'm a terrible mom for giving in to a fit- HUGE FIT mind you? Probably.  Does it save my sanity and keep me from completely snapping on my almost two year old daughter? Absolutely.   

Here she is sporting her new Dora band aid while watching, you guessed it, Dora! 

1 comment:

Krissy said...

I think you have found your new theme for her 2nd birthday party!