
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To keep my train of thought.

So, this post won't really be one that interests any of you.  BUT, I need somewhere to write down the ideas I have for Madelyn's birthday.  I know, that's what they make notebook paper for, but that tends to get lost around here.  So, please, disregard this post and forgive me for introducing my love for lists so abruptly by actually doing a list. 
Now, I was thinking about doing just a small beach birthday for family on the weekend before and that being it.  I mean, she's turning two, which IS a big deal, but isn't one of those milestone birthdays.  Then, I thought about doing a get together at my house with a few of the ladies and kids from the playgroup on Madelyn's actual birthday but still keeping it simple.  NOW, I'm wondering if I should do a small party on the weekend for family at the beach and then do a fiesta themed party at the house on her birthday (Madelyn is a cinco de mayo baby).  However, I don't want to hurt my in law's feelings by doing more of a party on a day they can't be there.  So, should I just do a "big" party on the weekend --fiesta themed--and suck it up?? 
I also know that Madelyn is in love with Dora now--which I guess I could actually incorporate that since it kinda goes with the theme....But would she really care if I just left Dora out and kept it all fiesta because I'm worrying that I'd get too complex with both things in one....

Okay, so anyway, this is what I'm thinking for a fiesta:

FOOD: mini tacos,seven layer dip/chips, non alcoholic margaritas (and if on the weekend, maybe the real thing for adults),quesidillas w/ sour creme and quacamole, fruit/veggies, cheese, cake, cookies, chili pepper shaped gummies.... ***I need some more kid friendly foods-Any suggestions??

DECORATIONS:  mini maraca key chains,chili paper confetti,sombrero straws,fiesta bubbles,donkey pinata table decorations, donkey pinata,chili pepper picks for fruit & cheese, children's sombreros....Anything else I should ABSOLUTELY have?

ENTERTAINMENT: pinata, hula hoops, I would LOVE an inflatable water slide if I could find one for a decent price, What else??

Okay, so obviously I need some help on a lot of decisions.  What party idea should I go with?  And what are some suggestions if I go with one of these?

And honestly, I may possibly change my mind AGAIN.  So, next week, this may not even apply anymore.  Thanks for letting me waste a little internet space!

1 comment:

Lindsey B said...

As far as one party or two - do what stresses you out less and allows the most of Madelyn's friends to come to.

Your ideas sound great! My sister did a bounce house for Graham's 3rd birthday and it was a BIG hit!